2024 GMS Summer Reading
Important Info about Summer Reading!
As you get ready to enter the next grade at GMS, make sure you read at least ONE FICTION and ONE NONFICTION book this summer. Take a journey in a book.
About our Theme
This summer, enjoy TWO OR MORE of the choices on our reading list. This year, the reading lists are SUGGESTIONS for those readers who aren't sure what they want to read. Also, the librarians at the Canton Public Library are experts in what kids love to read for pleasure. Lastly, your teachers can't wait to hear all about your summer reading when you return in September!
Entering Grade 6 Summer Reading Info
General Directions: Read AT LEAST one fiction AND one nonfiction book. Of course, you can read many more, if you choose!
The "Graphic Organizer" linked below can help you keep track of your reading. If you complete it, bring it in to your READING teacher in September.
PLEASE Complete the "Reading Reporting Form" linked below for all the books you read. Have this document handy the first or second week of school in the fall.
Entering Grade 7 Summer Reading Info
General Directions: Read AT LEAST one fiction AND one nonfiction book. Of course, you can read many more, if you choose!
The "Graphic Organizer" below can help you keep track of your reading, if organizers help you.
Please keep track of your reading on the "Summer Reading Reporting Form," and bring that to school to give to your ELA teacher in September.
Entering Grade 8 Summer Reading Info
General Directions: Read AT LEAST one fiction AND one nonfiction book. Of course, you can read many more, if you choose!
The "Graphic Organizer" below can help you keep track of your reading, if organizers help you.
Please keep track of your reading on the "Summer Reading Reporting Form," and bring that to school to give to your ELA teacher in September.
Entering Grade 9 Summer Reading Info
Canton High School's English Department requires that you read at least TWO books over the summer before entering ninth grade. Here are some links to help you figure out what to read:
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