Title 1 Services in CPS
Title 1 is a supplemental program, meaning it provides students at the elementary level with extra educational support beyond the general classroom program.
Title 1 is a targeted assistance program for the elementary schools and students most in need. Luce and Hansen Elementary Schools are designated as Title 1 schools. Each year, we reevaluate the data to determine which schools and students would benefit from additional supports.
What do Title 1 Reading Tutors do at the elementary level?
Title I reading tutors support teachers in the ELA classroom. They work with students who receive Title 1 services, guiding them in small reading groups or helping them complete literacy assignments.
Title I Reading Tutors also work with children in small groups outside of the classroom during the intervention block. This block is a time during which no new content is introduced in the classroom; children have the opportunity to gain extra academic support where it is needed.
Title 1 Staff
PreK-5 Humanities Coordinator, District Administration
STEM Coordinator PreK-5, District Administration
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, District Administration
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