Mathematics Department
The Mathematics Department has pledged itself to prepare each and every student with the background in mathematics commensurate with his/her ability and which will aid the student in pursuing the career goal of his/her choice.
The mathematics department offers accelerated, honors and college prep. Each program meets the mathematics standards as outlined in the Massachusetts frameworks. To graduate from Canton High School, each student must pass three years of mathematics, in addition to the MCAS test. In addition, three AP courses and several electives are offered. In many cases, course placement is based on prerequisites or teacher recommendation.
Reassessment Policy
Math Department Staff
CHS Teacher/Dept. Advisor, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
CHS Teacher, Math
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